Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rain Man

Rain Man
Directed by: Barry Levinson
Starring: Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise

So I know the film is 22 years old. But I had never seen it. I always saw it referenced in other films, but I wanted to see it for myself. Fantastic. It's a really good film. I really don't know what else to say. Of course seeing Tom Cruise kind of annoys me, well because he's annoying. But honestly he played his role really well. You have to have patience with this film because it's pretty long (2 hrs 13 mins), and there are certain parts that I found were kind of obnoxious and unnecessary.

Overall, the film was really good. The message it sent was awesome. I hated how during the Las Vegas scene I kept thinking about The Hangover (great movie). But that's just how it happened. But Jesus, Dustin Hoffman. I never really like him before (except in Hook), but he was fantastic playing autistic Raymond. The chemistry between Hoffman and Cruise was magical and believable.

It was also interesting to see how autism was looked at back in those times. Being an education major, I know that autism was never seen as a real disability until recently. There's a scene where a doctor says "He's artistic?" and Tom Cruise corrects her. She says "I don't understand". It's great that a doctor would not know what autism is. Anyway, good movie. I'm glad I have Netflix because it makes me able to see these films I would probably never see.

Stars (out of 4) * * * 1/2

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