Friday, March 5, 2010

Alice In Wonderland

Alice In Wonderland
Directed By: Tim Burton
Starring: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp

I give Tim Burton a lot of credit a lot of the time. I didn't hate Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Was it as good as the original? Hell no. The thing is, I've discovered that if it weren't for Johnny Depp, I don't know if I'd like any of these movies.

Once again, Johnny Depp slam dunked and took over the entire film with his lispy and Scottish? portrayal of the Mad Hatter. The acting in the movie other than Depp was subpar. The new British girl playing Alice was a cute blonde who seemed just as confused for the 2 hours as I did. Not that the story was confusing, but there was zero characted development.

I understand that it is an adaptation of a childhood fairy tale, but they tried to have character development and didn't do it correctly. The beginning and end taking place in London was slow and predicatable. The middle part taking place in Wonderland was a little more of the same. I saw this movie in 2D and I don't like how certain camera shots are intentionally done in one way to create the 3D effect for the 3D feature. To be honest, it completely took away from the cinematography, and I was so wrapped up in trying to figure out what would be in 3D that I lost focus.

The story seemed rushed out and the speaking parts seemed rushed and incomplete. There were a lot of plot holes that will not be discussed here as to not give away anything. But trust me, I wouldn't be giving away much.

1 comment:

  1. i really agree with this review. I thought the girl who played Alice was horrible. The only thing I disagree with is I didn't love Johnny Depp either. He's usually awesome, but this time he seemed to be going through the motions (at least for him).

    When Burton does these remakes he seems to concentrate on making them look really cool and gives the story short shrift (Willy Wonka, Planet of the Apes...). While there are some visual wonders in the movie, and Helena Bonham Carter was amazing, the story sucked, the acting sucked, and it was generally a waste of time.

    (I saw it in 3D, totally not worth it. Glad you saved the money with 2D)

    Jason Kaplan
