Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Crossing Over

Crossing Over
Directed by: Wayne Kramer
Starring: Harrison Ford, Ray Liotta

Crash, anyone? This movie is based on a series of different characters coming together in some form or another. The illegal immigration situation in southern California is nothing new, but the spin and story on this somewhat lacks character development. You would think that a movie about this subject would focus a little bit on character development. Some of the characters you find yourself caring and wondering about, but that might be because it's someone like Harrison Ford, Ray Liotta, or the hot chick from She's Out of My League naked in practically the entire movie. Either way, I'll take it.

I did like how the movie focused on more than just Mexico/America immigration. It find its way to focus on all aspects of not only immigration, but becoming an American citizen. It shows how Americans really take advantage of living in our country. However, the stories just seemed to hit a dead end and not really be resolved. I found myself not caring about whether or not they were deported or made into real citizens.

The movie had a huge cast for such a poorly done story. Harrison Ford and Ray Liotta are highly regarded actors, and they seemed to come up really short in this one. I found myself constantly looking at the ticker on my DVD player to see how close it was to the end.

Stars: **

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