What the hell, man? Gamer is a terrible movie. That's really the only sum up I can have. The ridiculous antics of shaky camera work and an overall confusing and all-over-the-place plot had me desiring anything but. I don't understand how they got quasi A-list people to be in this wretched thing they call a film. How did this happen? And why the hell didn't anyone tell Gerard Butler that after 300, he cannot act for shit?
So the movie goes like this (and no, I'm not lying). Butler plays a convicted death row inmate that is transformed into a real life video game character. Michael C. Hall (who I lost a little respect for), portrays the game's creator. The young kid who is the controller for Butler is a douchey rich brat who gets random foreign chicks to flash him. Butler needs to win one more battle in a Halo like style to reach the ultimate goal of "Slayers" and be released from prison. He ends up escaping the clutches of the video game to find and rescue his wife and daughter with the help of Ludacris, Alison Lohman, and that Asian kid from any movie you regret seeing. The whole thing comes to a head at Hall's home, who turns out to be not such a nice guy.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
That's it. In a nutshell, I just described possibly the most bland and un-motivating feature of my young life. I one time watched this movie called Stupid Teenagers Must Die. Yeah, lightyears ahead and better than Gamer. What is the world thinking? The over reaching aspect of trying to master visual effects such that of The Matrix and/or Star Wars brings forth another beg of mine that Gerard Butler needs to stop. I once said that after watching P.S. I Love you. Doesn't make any sense. I kind of wish 300 (which is one of my favorite movies) had never come out. Then we wouldn't have to waste our time watching this Russell Crowe wannabe make any kind of good movie. It is true that I still want to see The Bounty Hunter. But only because of Jennifer Aniston. I would watch hair growing out of a man's chest if Jennifer Aniston were anywhere near by. That'd be weird though.
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