I really don't even know what Insidious means. Nevermind, just looked it up. Good title. Although I think I'm saying Inception, but not getting confused just by the mere thought. Ah! Thought I heard her. It's alright. It's very rare that you get to actually see the demon(s) in a horror movie. It kind of reminded me of Thirteen Ghosts (awesome movie) in the way that different demons were represented.
A family moves into a creaky old house. Their son falls into a "coma" and weird shit starts happening. Patrick Wilson plays the dad, but he still creeps me out from being in 2 movies about pedophilia. Anyway, the plot thickens as the noises of course grow louder and longer, eventually causing the family to move. Turns out, the coma kid has an open vessel of a body and demons are duking it out wrestle mania style for the remains.
The scary parts were scary. The suspense was okay. The predictability was immense. With a Drag Me To Hell mentality, the creepy music and awkward walking spirits take you along for a ride of terror and fear. Although some of the screams fall flat, making a modern day shriek-flick is difficult. Relying on the loud music and creeps around corners comes back, but it's tolerable. I couldn't contain laughing at certain parts that probably shouldn't be funny. But I'm kind of a cynic when it comes to horror movies. I do scare easily, so it would take a lot for me to be not terrified tonight when I sleep.